Learn Dance, Drama, Fine Arts, Multi-Media, Music: Instruments, Vocals, Tech-Skills, Writing, Worship Leading
Real training to Certificate level!
£300 per year, concessions £150 Monthly September-June 10am-4pm
Ten Saturdays could change your life
All Ages   Part-Time   Beginners Welcome

The Arts Ecclesia Christian Arts Academy

Here, people of all ages can experience the Christian faith through creativity, learn performance and fine arts skills, and develop leadership abilities: of value to all denominations.

Study is part-time. Streams are intensely practical, though there are some written assignments. All students are expected to work at developing their skills between course days. It is possible to opt for up two of these disciplines: Dance, Drama, Fine Arts, Music, Technical Skills, Worship Leading, Writing.

Basics of publicity and promotions, management of people and resources, are covered in plenary sessions. Students have the chance to listen and learn from a variety of professionals including: Actor Lance Pierson, Dancer and Writer Shirley Collins, Voice-over actor and technical expert Andy Turvey, Worship Leaders and Composers John and Nellie Gerighty, Simeon Wood and GOF the Clown: Rev John Guest.

A typical Course Day might include a talk and workshop by a visiting speaker, devising your own worship session using dance, drama and music, sharing of homework items, visit to a recording studio, making a short film, and prayer.

We can start a Christian Arts Academy where you live. You just need to find five other people, or more, who want to attend, and suggest a venue such as your own church buildings. FROM SEPTEMBER 2015 WE ARE RUNNING AN ACADEMY AT GATEWAY CHURCH, ABERGAVENNY. CONTACT US FOR MORE DETAILS!

"Thank you for your guidance and inspiration."

"Thank you for teaching me that people with two left feet can dance. God bless,
Love Susan"

"Thank you for giving up another week to teach us.
I will remember "to be bold."
Lots of love Yvonne"

"..the Lord speaks to me through dancing and I found 'What A Friend We Have In Jesus' very powerful.
It was good to see different art forms coming together to make a whole."

Arts Ecclesia Resources

Shirley Collins, Director of Arts Ecclesia works with a team of professional artists. Arts Ecclesia can bring any creative skill to your church, we can provide advice on make-up and costume. Artist materials, all kinds of dance shoes, flags and banner supplies, can be ordered through us. The list below is a selection of other resources.

Dancing Disciples
Shirley Collins' 53 minute long film contains 5 dance lessons and enough work to last you a whole term. There are around 40 exercises and steps to learn, plus ideas for creating your own choreography. Homework is included and you can apply for two levels of accreditation and certification at the end of the course. DVDs and VHS copies cost £8.00 each plus postage
Christian Dance by Carol Hathorne
This book includes dances choreographed by Shirley Collins. See below for extract of Shirley's Dances
Published by Monarch Books Price £6.99 ISBN 1 85424 440 X
Prepare the Way with Posters
An extremely useful book which you can either dip into, or study in detail. Practical advice is given on types of notice boards available, where to display your work, and how to protect it from the elements (vandals included). There are loads of pointers such as how to attract attention with your layout, choice of lettering style and materials. And there are assignments you can do for practise. When you have made a poster, it is suggested you should ask yourself: Will they notice it? Will they understand it? Will they remember it? Will they respond to it? The book includes some clever but simple graphics and tells you how to use everyday visuals like road signs to get your message across.
Published by Gazelle Books Price: £8.99. The price covers photocopying permission.
Available from: Posters Plus 7 Belvedere Drive, Belvedere Hill, St Saviour, Jersey, JE2 7RN Phone:(01534) 737171 e-mail: ycoppock@localdial.com

The Little Book of Sketches

Price £3.50